"Tikkun Olam"
Dayna Bieber, ART491
Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it did during the 20th century. I was inspired to create a poster that highlighted this fact and encouraged others to follow in Israel's footsteps.
Cause Poster: Help fight against whaling
- Taylor
- Taylor
Human Rights Poster
- Juliana Aragao, ART491
Consumerism - Concentration on apple products in American society.
- Anabelle Paulino
Fabian Alcantara
Art 491
Jacqui O'Donnell NEDA
Fundacion Mi Sangre by Mariajose Urbano - Art 491
Help support Eric McDavid, visit www.supporteric.org.
Drew Kelly - ART491
David Iglesias
JoshBorgschulte - ART491
JoshBorgschulte - ART491
Alex Vaugham - ART491
Jesus Gonzalez - ART491
Lisa Schwal - ART491
Marc Rabinowitz - ART491
Meagan Duthu - ART491
Miguel Endara - ART491
Tatiana Suarez - ART491
Michael Pangiliani - ART391
Reggie Holmes - ART491
Carrie Chase - ART491
Jesus Gonzalez - ART491
Lisa Schwal - ART491
Marc Rabinowitz - ART491
Meagan Duthu - ART491
Miguel Endara - ART491
Tatiana Suarez - ART491
Michael Pangiliani - ART391
Reggie Holmes - ART491
Carrie Chase - ART491