graphic design, posters, logos, 2d /3d, ideas comments, graphic resources

nazir sustainability poster

Victoria Nazir-Sampaio

Terence Gaffney- letters in motion

Sustainability Poster

Michaela Baril - ART391 - Sustainability Poster
I wanted to get the message to artists that there are natural things that can be used to make inks rather than chemicals. I used Safflower petals to create the ink inside the bottle and spilling out.

type in motion

by: Tia Dawkins-Hendricks

Type in Motion

by: Tia Dawkins-Hendricks

Type in Motion

Michaela Baril - ART391 - Type in Motion
I wanted to create the illusion that the letters are being attracted to one another like magnets. The letters are most strongly attracted to the "g" at the end of connecting, therefore the "g" does not move, the other letters move toward the "g."

"Restless Line," Nicole Wyman 

Type in motion

Janessa Gomez- ART 391
Type in Motion
"Restless Line"

"Point the Way"

David Carson on Design and Humor

Type in Motion

Dayna Bieber - ART391
Type in Motion: "Eruption of Form"

Type in Motion-4/6 Jess Page

Michelle Siegel - By placement and color the dots are supposed to depict movement through the frames.

"follow the leader" - Time and Motion

Victoria Nazir-Sampaio
Time and Motion Assignment

This is an interpretation of the phrase "follow the leader" using both time and motion in design. I played with size and placement of the letters, and added dotted lines to the background to create a sense of movement.