graphic design, posters, logos, 2d /3d, ideas comments, graphic resources

"wasted water wasted message" - visual metaphor

Francisco Cabana - ART 491 - Pease

Visual Metaphor

This was my visual metaphor for the phrase "Family Time." Instead of time spent with family, I took it to mean the time to start a family - or in this case not to start one.

"Raisin Awareness"

(click image to enlarge)

Dayna Bieber
ART 491 - Pease
Poster design for waterforpeople.org bringing awareness to the issue of economic water scarcity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Despite an abundance of water sources, only 58% of the 684 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa have access to clean water, compared to an average of 79% in the developing world.



I used grid to create a page layout. I chose grid number 3.
Micole Alkabes
Art 291


Grid Design

Visual Metaphor

Matt Wallach
ART 291
A visual metaphor for "Family Time" that criticizes the impersonality that is unfortunately characteristic of American families in modern society

Grid and Solution

GRID DESIGN - Nicole Brener ART291

Grid Layout

Taylor Lucas
ART 291

Grid > Layout

Grid Layout

Grid Studies

By Molly Cohen

Grid Studies

Ashley McKevitt
ART 291

Grid Studies

Annika Jensen - ART 291

Grid Studies

Matt Wallach
ART 291
The layout pictured above was based on the middle-left grid created in our grid studies exercise.
(revised 11/18)

Visual Metaphor

"Mortal Beginnings"
Annika Jensen
ART 291

IMmortal beginnings

Visual Metaphor

Family Time- I created a puzzle which shows a picture of family time distorted. My stand on family time is that is never the way you want it to be. There is something always that makes it less perfect however, many times you are able to survive it in a little square alltogether until you fix the pieces.

Pin visual metaphor: you are not here

Francisco Cabana
Art 491 - Pease

Fox Hotel: ICU

Francisco Cabana
Art 491 - Pease

wall view

Advertising Campaign - vitamin water

Francisco Cabana
ART491 - Pease

VitaminWater concept ad

Hotel Fox Proposal

By Emma Cason-Pratt