graphic design, posters, logos, 2d /3d, ideas comments, graphic resources

Ancient Culture Inspiration Project

After extensive research on the culture and ancient art styles of the Japanese, I was able to mimic the traditional basic shapes and create a pattern. I combined the “hilly” and “connecting circle” parts used in many simple Japanese pieces. Japanese art often represents nature, so my pattern represents the hills and trees. I chose a light blue for the background in a similar shade of water in Japanese art. The logo is parts of the “hills” and parts of the “connecting circles” used in my pattern. By connecting them in such a way, the image becomes a lotus, a symbol of rebirth and spiritual awakening. The pink is the same color as a lotus flower. Because the logo is for a band, I then added the stem in the shape of a Japanese shamisen, an instrument much like a banjo. I chose the name Lotus-Dojo because of the lotus flower, and the work Dojo. Dojo means “place of way”, and it is a place of practice. The text looks like brush strokes because the Japanese used to paint with this style of brush strokes. The poster is slim and vertical, much like a Japanese scroll. The writing on the business card is presented vertically because that is how text in Japanese is written. The CD cover imitates a lotus floating on water that is flowing. As you can see, each element was inspired by an element or style and that came from the Japanese.