graphic design, posters, logos, 2d /3d, ideas comments, graphic resources

Mayan "Ha-Uh!" branding.

The Maya civilization was without a doubt the most artistic Mesoamerican civilization. The Mayas were known because of their written language, their mathematical and astrological systems, art and architecture, and for being harmonious with other civilization. Saying this “Ha-uh!” is a compilation of all of these qualities. “Ha-uh!” Is a band that portrays the art, the music and the colors that the Maya culture once had, and that still has as being a culture that never disappeared, as the Mayan descendants have continued to maintain their traditions and beliefs. “Ha-uh!” is Mayan for “water moon”, as this civilization developed astrological systems and calendars by observing the Astros, and gave great importance to water not only for agriculture but for architecture too. The logo shows the Mayan symbol for water, the moon in which the god of the moon sits, and finally the symbol for the zero number in their mathematical system, the conch. The colors used in the logo and in the applications as well depict water, the sun and the sand in the region. “Ha-uh!” and their album “Pok-Ta-Rok”, taken from “Pok-Ta-Pok” (the Mayan ball game), demonstrate the mix between old Mayan culture and design, with the contemporary not only Mayan culture but with the modern world as well.